Running a cupcake business sounds fun, even easy, fluffy and cute - like a cupcake maybe. Well, not so much! Its really a lot of hard work guys! Man, I knew it would be, but every day I think of something new that needs to happen to make this thing a success. Seriously, I need a marketing, business consultant to work for me. Payment in cupcakes. Interested? Yeah, I didn't think so. Until I find that special person, I will rely on the kindness and intelligence of my friends and family - and, heck, I've figured out that I'm a pretty good business woman! Here's what we've accomplished so far! Sign lease - check! Insurance certificate - check! State license - check! Finally, finally, finally everything is in order! redvelvetcupcakes will be officially baking out of a licensed commercial kitchen starting on Monday. I am uber excited! Now, the fun begins! Honestly, I think the people in my little community may soon grow a bit tired of the "cupcake girl" as I begin to seriously, relentlessly, continuously, and tirelessly hustle the heck out of these cupcakes! Now, my goal is to get into a restaurant or two and some local markets - all this by the end of 2009. Think I can do it people? Oh yeah, I know I can and I will. You guys continue to send me the positive vibes that got me my kitchen and great things will happen! Stay tuned - I plan to have lots of updates on my progress!
So, today I participated in the Holiday Expo at the middle school around the corner from my home. The school was filled with vendors selling everything from aprons, to candles, to wood birdhouses! I was the only one selling cupcakes! We sold about 75% of our cupcakes and Half Pints. That is pretty good business for us considering that we were told that the crowd was the lightest its ever been (the economy sucks big time, doesn't it)? Here's a pic of our table at the event. If you would like to have cupcakes displayed on that awesome cupcake stand at your event, we have them for rent!
Isn't our set up cute? In a year or two I would like to look back on this picture fondly as our humble, grassroots beginning! Notice our little apron hanging on the chair to the right. Shout out to my fabulous husband for 1) being the most charming and enthusiastic salesperson for me at the event, 2) sitting with me ALL day, and 3) wearing the apron!!!!! :)
So anyway, we had really great feedback regarding the cupcakes. Our menu for the day was - fresh strawberry cupcakes paired with strawberry buttercream, vanilla bean cupcakes paired with vanilla bean buttercream, sweet chocolate cupcakes paired with chocolate fudge, vanilla bean buttercream, and strawberry buttercream (kind of like a reverse chocolate covered strawberry) - AWESOME!!! Of course we had our signature red velvet cupcakes - they sold out quickly! Everyone loved the look (so many people asked if they were real - they thought they were candles or soap!) and taste of the cupcakes and we hope to get lots of business as a result.
So, I know you are getting bored with the details. Be patient, be patient - I didn't forget about your favorite part of my blog kids......the drool worthy pics. Here we go.
Fresh strawberry cupcake paired with strawberry buttercream and topped with strawberry crumbles. This is a very fresh, light cupcake - not too sweet. The best part is that this cupcake is made with FRESH strawberries people. So, its only available if we can find fresh, sweet strawberries. If I can't - then I won't make it. Man, these pics are alright aren't they - even though they are taken with "My First" digital camera! Moving on.
Sweet chocolate cupcakes paired with fresh strawberry buttercream topped with sweet chocolate crumbles. Ummm, so do I really have to even speak on this one. Look at it. You do see how moist this cupcake is don't you. Chocolate. Strawberries. Together. Enough said. Next.
Pure vanilla bean cupcake paired with vanilla bean buttercream and vanilla bean crumbles. This is a cake for vanilla lover. It may seem simple, but the warm taste of vanilla comes through. You don't just taste sugar like you do in many "plain" cupcakes - you taste vanilla. And yes, those are vanilla bean flecks in both the cupcake and the frosting!
So, that's all the cupcake voyeurism you get to do today. I have to save something for next time, gotta keep you coming back.
Until next time, spreading happiness one cupcake at a time!
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